Nursery: 9:30 - 12:00 Infant -3 years                                    Sunday School: 9:30 -10:30 4 years - 5th grade

In addition to laying a foundation by learning Bible stories, our message every Sunday is - they are a child of God, and God loves them just the way they are! Full stop!

At St. Stephen UMC, we believe that worship is not just for adults—it’s for everyone, including children. We view our young ones not as passive observers, but as active participants in the worship service. By inviting children to participate in worship, we create a community where everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, can grow together in faith and love.

Our church makes intentional efforts to engage children during worship. From age-appropriate activities to creating a welcoming space for families, we strive to provide opportunities for children to be involved in every aspect of worship. Whether it’s through singing, praying, or even participating as an acolyte or in the offering, we encourage children to take part in the full service as a way of deepening their understanding of God. 

For parents who are not quite ready for their child to participate in worship, we provide a nursery. Some of our youngest go to nursery and their parents go get them for communion.

Children bring joy, innocence, and a unique perspective to our worship services, reminding us to see God through the eyes of children and not always take ourselves so seriously.